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2025 Agenda

Pre-Conference: Friday, April 4, 2025


4:30–6:00 PM

Lung DST Meeting / Provincial Guidelines

6:00–8:00 PM

Registration and Buffet Dinner

Day 1: Saturday, April 5, 2025


7:00–7:50 AM

Registration and Breakfast

7:50–8:00 AM

Welcome Remarks

Session 1: New Adjuvants Studies – Past, Present, and Future

8:00–9:45 AM
Moderator: Dr. Andrew Robinson 

8:00–8:20 AM


Dr. Kulkarni


8:20–8:40 AM

Debate: LAURA Data – Case-Based Debate

Pro: Dr. Swati Kulkarni

Con: Dr. Susanna Cheng


8:40–9:00 AM

Update on the Role of Perioperative/ Adjuvant Immunotherapy in Early/Locally Advanced NSCLC

Dr. Ines Menjak

9:00–9:20 AM

Perioperative Data Update: Surgical Resectability and Surgeon Skills Variation

Dr. Negar Ahmadi

9:20–9:45 AM

Q&A Panel


9:45–10:00 AM

Morning Break

Session 2: Metastatic Activating Genomic Alteration (AGA) Patients

10:00–11:45 AM
Moderator: Dr. Susanna Cheng

10:00–10:20 AM

Exon 20 and Papillon

Dr. Rosalynn Juergens

10:20–10:40 AM

Common Mutations: Flaura2, Mariposa, Mariposa2

Dr. Natasha Leighl

10:40–11:00 AM

Debate: Flaura2 vs. Mariposa in First-Line Setting

Dr. Natasha Leighl vs. Dr. Daniel Breadner

11:00–11:20 AM

Rare EGFR Mutations, Co-Mutations, and Smoker Profiles

Dr. Daniel Breadner

11:20–11:45 AM

Q&A Panel

Session 3: New Categories of Drugs

11:45 AM – 12:45 PM
Moderator: Dr. Peter Ellis

11:45 AM – 12:05 PM

ADC – Antibody Drug Conjugates and Trop Inhibitors

Dr. Paul Wheatley-Price

12:05–12:25 PM

Tarlatamab in Small Cell Lung Cancer: Early Experience in Ontario

Dr. Kirstin Perdrizet

12:25–12:40 PM

Q&A Panel


12:40–1:30 PM

Lunch Break – Wellness Talk

Dr. Srikala Sridhar (20-min talk)

Session 4: Poster Presentations and Awards

1:30–2:30 PM
Moderators: Dr. Yee Ung and Dr. Edward Yu

1:30–2:20 PM

5 Oral Presentations (8 minutes + 2 minutes for Q&A each)

2:20–2:30 PM

Abstract Awards


2:30–2:45 PM

Afternoon Break

Session 5: Diagnostics and Staging

2:45–4:30 PM
Moderator: Dr. Conrad Falkson

2:45–3:05 PM

Plasma NGS: Current Utility and Future Directions

Dr. David Hwang

3:05–3:20 PM

Respirology Diagnostic Tools: Bronchoscopy and Surgery

Dr. Kazuhiro Yasafuku

3:20–3:40 PM

TNM 9th Edition: New Changes and Why

Dr. Victoria Cheung and Dr. Yee Ung

3:40–4:00 PM

Assessing Pathologic Response in Resected Lung Cancers

Dr. Ying-Han (Roger) Hsu

4:00–4:30 PM

Panel Discussion, Q&A, and Wrap-Up


6:00 PM

Reception / Dinner with Entertainment

Dueling Pianos

Day 2: Sunday, April 6, 2025

7:30–8:00 AM

Registration and Breakfast

8:00–8:10 AM

Welcome and Overview of Day 2

Session 6: Case Studies and Practical Insights

8:10–9:30 AM
Moderator: Dr. Yee Ung

8:10–8:30 AM

Case Study 1: Diagnostic Challenges and Solutions (Resident and Supervisor Case Presentations and Discussion) 

Dr. Conrad Falkson and Dr. Leena Derwish Aydin 

8:30–8:50 AM

Case Study 2: Management considerations for neoadjuvant chemo-IO patients who do not  proceed to surgery

Dr. Michael Tjong and Dr. Said Al Saifi

8:50–9:10 AM

Case Study 3: Diagnostic Challenges and Solutions (Resident and Supervisor Case Presentations and Discussion) Dr. Rosalynn Juergens and Dr. Zeba Siddiqui

9:10–9:30 AM

Q&A Panel


9:30–9:50 AM

Morning Break

Session 7: Emerging Topics in Lung Cancer Care

9:50–11:30 AM
Moderator: Dr. Donna Maziak

9:50–10:30 AM

Hot Topics in Oncology (New Cancer Drugs, Funding, Equity, and Access)

Dr. David Stewart

10:30–11:10 AM

  • Management of Inequities in Underserviced Populations
    Caring for Structurally Marginalized Urban Patients with Cancer: Challenges and Opportunities
    Dr. Lisa Hicks

  • Stage 3 NSCLC Management: Rural vs. Urban Setting
    Dr. Silvana Spadafora and Dr. Stephane Thibodeau


11:10–11:30 AM
Q&A Panel


11:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Closing Remarks and Future Directions

12:00 PM
Conference Concludes with Lunch

Land Acknowledgement

McMaster University recognizes and acknowledges that it is located on the traditional territories of the Mississauga and Haudenosaunee nations and within the lands protected by the Dish With One Spoon wampum agreement.

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